A Fast Growing Real Estate Podcast!
June 6, 2024

467: Buying At An Appropriate Discount Cures A Lot Of Ills

467: Buying At An Appropriate Discount Cures A Lot Of Ills

Knowing how to buy right is the key to not losing money. When you paid the right price in the first place, you can better weather mistakes and sustain unaccounted for market conditions. One of the ways to achieve this is to buy off-market, direct-to-seller deals from ma and pa sellers. Whether you’re buying single family homes or commercial properties, direct-to-seller deals are the way to avoid overpaying in a competitive marketplace. Gabe Petersen, Founder of Kaizen properties, owns Mobile Home Parks, Self-Storage facilities and single families. Most recently, Gabe is focusing on wholesaling single family homes in Indianapolis and Gainesville.