Feb. 10, 2022

123: Land Investing – The Lucrative Asset Class No One is Talking About

123: Land Investing – The Lucrative Asset Class No One is Talking About

A lot of focus in Real Estate has been on Multifamily, Self-Storage, Mobile Home Parks, Industrial, and other like asset classes. But one asset class you don’t hear about very often is land. Yet the opportunities to buy and hold or to flip land are immense. There are 1.9 billion acres of land in the US and only 6% of it is developed. Billionaires like Ted Turner, the Ford family and Jeff Bezos are buying as much as they can. 

Today’s guest, Jeanette Amayo, went from a being a manager at Starbucks to getting into the land business and is doing exceptionally well in just two years.

Learn more at https://www.streetsmartsuccess.com